Protect Your Parked Motorcycle to Prevent Theft

Whether riding through Brandon, Florida or anywhere else in the country, there’s just nothing like being on the open rode and your own, personal transport. The main problem with motorcycles is these vehicles are far easier to steal than anything else out there. Skilled motorcycle thieves can grab and go with a bike in a matter of moments. It is up to you to prevent this from happening. At Runnels Insurance, we sell motorcycle coverage to protect your bike in the event of an accident and other occurrences, but we also want to make sure you never are faced with trying to hunt down a stolen bike either. 

Always Install a GPS

Most modern vehicles now have GPS tracking installed. However, the same is not the case with all motorcycles. This is something you need to invest in. With a GPS, even if something does happen to your bike, you can notify the police and give them the tracking information. Most stolen bikes are moved out of the area or chopped into pieces quickly, so locating the stolen motorcycle quickly is essential. GPS gives you this opportunity. 

Bike Cover

Perhaps you live in an apartment complex, and you simply do not have the ability to park in a garage. While parking under a covered parking space is a good idea, the next step is to add a bike cover. This hides the quality of your bike, and it makes it less identifiable to those looking to steal a bike. 

Always Lock it Up

Creating a skeleton key that works on most motorcycles isn’t as difficult as you might think, so locking your bike and wheels is not always going to work. This is why securing your bike with an external lock is necessary.