Do I always need to have auto insurance in Florida?

In the Brandon, FL area, it will be very important to own a vehicle as it makes it much easier to get around town and to and from work. As you are going to look for a vehicle in this area, picking an insurance plan is also important. There are a lot of reasons why you will always need to have a full auto insurance plan when you are in this part of Florida. 

Insurance is Mandatory by Law to Drive

A reason that you will need to have an auto insurance plan when you are in Florida is so you can drive legally. Drivers that are in this state need to carry liability insurance if they want to drive on a public road. This law ultimately protects all other motorists on the road as it offers assurances that someone who causes an accident can cover damages. If you don’t have coverage, you may be penalized. 

Insurance Protects Car

You also should get an auto insurance policy to ensure your car is protected. Having a full policy that has collision and comprehensive protection is helpful as it ensures you can repair or replace your vehicle if you incur a loss. Without this protection, you would need to pay for all repairs or even a full vehicle replacement with personal savings. 

People that would like to purchase a car in the Brandon, FL area should always have auto insurance. When you are in the process of picking a new insurance plan, calling  Runnels Insurance can be quite helpful. As you are looking for an insurance plan here, Runnels Insurance can help by explaining all of your options and giving the support you need to choose a plan that will give the right coverage for you and your vehicle.